Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nihilism, Lawyers, and the Law

Some days the news is overwhelming to lawyers. A peek at the news today brought the following stories:

A dead 2 year old baby, with duct tape across her mouth, resulted in a murder case against her mother 
(Casey Anthony).  The defense said the baby accidently drowned and the body was hidden because of the grandfather’s sexual abuse.  Defense by smear. A horrific murder made worse.,0,921967.story

An inspiring national political figure is about to be indicted for misspending campaign money to hide his cheating on his dying wife. Inspired leadership by corruption.

A powerful Federal Judge in Houston says that our legal system is corrupt beyond recognition.  Edith Jones says the lawyers corrupted the judicial system with nihilism. Lawyers lost their religious roots. Lawyers attack all society’s rules of decent behaviour. A basic  concept of right and wrong is lost. Political favor and money is found.

The Texas Legislature continued its long war on lawyers by passing the “Loser Pays” bill.  Although Visa, Master Card, Capital One Bank, and insurance companies will sue you, you do not have what it takes to sue them.  Why is Texas protecting Capital One Bank? The law hurts lawyers who bring lawsuits and hurts lawyers who defend lawsuits.  Simply stated, to be a hero, you have to have an amazing opponent to do battle with. The little guy lost his ability to fight the battle.

However, before I turned off the coffee maker and hid under my bed this morning, I remembered  Wintley Phipps.  He sings a great version of Amazing Grace.  He also says that “if the big mountain in your way were smooth, you wouldn’t be able to climb it”.  Yes, I did sign up to climb the big mountains.  Yes, I did sign up to slay large dragons.

I began to remember that we will not understand the things we see. ( Ecclesiastes 11:5 “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” )

I can do more mediation and be a peacemaker. “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” - James 3:17-18

I can put on my trial suit and start to climb the big mountains in my way.

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