Friday, May 11, 2007

What do I do? I was just served divorce papers.

I have just been served with divorce papers, what do I do now?

1. Take 5 deep breaths and control your frustration and anger, now is the time for action and cool thinking. 2. Read the papers to see if there is time and date of a hearing. Make a mental note of the name of the Court and opposing lawyer. 3. Read the papers to see if you have been Ordered to do something. It is dangerous to disobey and Court's Order, even if it is unfair. 4. Make a copy of deeds, financial statements, mortgages, deeds of trust, car titles, letters, notes, bills, and every other paper of importance. 5. Make some telephone calls to your bank, (to see if you have grocery money left), to the phone company, gas company, car insurance, mortgage company, the place where you make your car payments, your credit card accounts, and the electric company (to see if the electricity is about to be cut off). 6. Before you leave the residence, take flash pictures of the inside of the residence, each closet, and the outside and the automobiles. This will make it easier to show the Judge what was there, how much it was worth, and what your should receive. 7. Call a lawyer now, good lawyers have other clients, hearings, and you have less time than you think. Choose a lawyer with whom you feel comfortable and tell him what you want (grandma's rocker). Give the lawyer a box of copies, SSN numbers, driver's license numbers, dates of birth, and the names of people who can tell him important things about your property, your children, or your safety. ain 8. Take a moment to think about safety. Your physical safety, the safety of your children. Follow your instinct about danger. Everyone goes a little insane during a divorce, so follow your feelings and think safety. Walk or run away from any confrontation, argument, shouting match or fight. Fighting will seriously damage your case, and is pointless. Things have changed; you no longer argue with your spouse, you persuade a Judge. The bottom line: This is going to be a business deal, so stay cool, and get the business things copied and photographed. Think safety. Take care of business and safety now. Call a lawyer. There will be plenty of time later to tell yourself that, "The next time I want a hairy, arrogant male, who urinates on the floor, I will get a Tom cat."

George Conner

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