Saturday, January 26, 2013

An Amazing Grant Writing Nonprofit Group

Listen!  I am a citizen of a county, state, and a federal government: no one listens to me or helps me. There is, however, a group that listens and will help you. You have never heard of them.

Circle of Ten: A Circle of Ten, Inc. - Network for Collaboration, is a nonprofit group that is amazing.

Grant Writing: The Circle of Ten has monthly grant writing sessions for persons in nonprofit groups. The attendees bring their hopes, desires and needs. Libraries need books and computers. Schools need computers, buildings, a/c systems.

Preparing a Grant Application: A Circle of Ten, Inc. session guides the preparation of applications, which are submitted during the session. A Circle of Ten knows who to ask for the money and knows, before giving out any money, what the agency is really looking for. A Circle of Ten also knows who to call at the agency. They are on a first name basis with the right people, at federal, state, and private agencies, who judge applications and sign the checks.

No Go.  Of course, you can buy a book of forms and fill in the blanks. And, you can fly to Washington D.C., and spend the summer trying to see the right person. Or, you can go to Google, get the names of charitable agencies, and start making telephone calls. Oh yeah. You probably tried that already.

Contact Info: A Circle of Ten, Inc. is not hard to find. A list of dates, times and places for grant writing sessions is found on your computer. Go to Circle of 10 or Virtual Village for info and schedules. Send them an email. Or you may pick up your cell phone and call 903-541-0013 (Fax 888-214-5210).

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